Ewa Lazarczyk
Ewa Lazarczyk Carlson
Associate Professor
Dep. of Business Administration
Reykjavik University
Affiliated researcher
Lulea University of Technology (Sweden)
Sustainability Institute and Forum (SIF) Department of Engineering
Reykjavik University
Research Interests:
IO, Energy economics, Market structure, Microeconometrics, Electricity markets, Environmental economics, Sustainability
Reykjavik University
Dep. of Business Administration
Menntavegi 1, Nauthólsvík
102 Reykjavík
Guest lecture at Lazarski Univesity, Warsaw, Poland. (March 2024)
Moderator of a panel: Leaders of Digital Didactics – AI in higher education; Online conference. (January 2024)
Guest lecture at Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland (October 2023)
Speaker at the ADVICE Conference Online classes as empowering opportunity (September 2023)
Presentation at the NORIO conference in Stockholm. (June 2023)
Speaker at the panel: Energetyka i czyste powietrze: Innowacje i wyzwania dla zrównoważonego rozwoju. (Energy and clean air: Innovation and challenges for sustainable development) At Koźmiński University. (May 2023)
Keynote speech at the conference: Sustainable development. Current Challenges to ensure the achievement of the objectives at Horizon 2030. Circular Economy in the Nordics: Industrial symbiosis as a driver of green growth. (May 2023)
Invited talk at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics SITE Energy day Resilient energy systems - Baltics´dependency on Russian electricity. (May 2023)
Speaker at the EUROPEUM Webinar – EU-Pacific Talks: Be small and beautiful - future of nuclear energy? (March 2023)
Guest lecture at Lazarski Univesity, Warsaw, Poland. (January 2023)
Speaker at the panel on Crisis in the Energy Climate organized by the Polish Forum of Young Diplomats and Green Kozminski. (December 2022)
Research Seminar at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics, IFN, Stockholm. Market Transparency through a Common Data Platform: Evidence from Nord Pool. (November 2022)
Speaker at the panel on Circular Economy at Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland. (November 2022)
Energy market drivers: Changed energy landscape. Keynote speech at the 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market EEM12 in Ljubljana. (Sept. 13, 2022)
Nuclear Energy in Europe: Back to the future? IAEE webinar (Sept. 1, 2022)
War in Ukraine - The international impact of economic sanctions for energy and finance. – open seminar at Reykjavik University. (March, 2022)
Energy Economics
Green hydrogen and an evolving concept of energy security: challenges and comparisons. with Pickford, K., & Nyga-Łukaszewska, H. 2023. Renewable Energy, 219, 119410
Evaluation of Energy Security in Select Eastern European Countries, with E. Lawyer, 2023 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Lappeenranta, Finland, 2023, pp. 1-8, doi:10.1109/EEM58374.2023.10161863.
Electric Vehicles Rollout - Two Case Studies with FM Baldursson and N-H von der Fehr. 2021. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 10(2)
Strategic withholding through production failures with S. Fogelberg, 2019, Energy Journal 40 (5).
Information Disclosure Rules in the European Electricity Market: An Overview, with Le Coq, 2018, EEM18, IEEE Xplore.
Cross-border Exchange and Sharing of Generation Reserve Capacity with F.M. Baldursson, M. Ovaere, and S. Proost, 2018, Energy Journal 39(4), pp. 57–84.
Wind Power Volatility and the Impact on Failure Rates in the Nordic Electricity Market, with S. Fogelberg, 2017, Renewable Energy. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2016.12.024
Market-specific news and its impact on forward premia on electricity markets, 2016, Energy Economics, 54, February, pp. 326 – 336.
Multi-TSO system reliability: Cross-border balancing, with F.M. Baldursson, M. Ovaere, and S. Proost, 2016, IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON).
Optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources – analytical insights, with F.M. Baldursson, J. Bellenbaum, J. Niesen, and Ch. Weber, 2016, IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON).
Congestion Management in Electricity Networks: Nodal, Zonal and Discriminatory Pricing, with P. Holmberg, 2015, Energy Journal 36(2), pp. 145.
Mapping European High-Digital Intensive Sectors–Regional growth Accelerator for the Circular Economy with Pirciog, AC., A Grigorescu, C Lincaru, FM Popa, Hallur Thor Sigurdarson. 2023. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 2625.
Skill Needs among European Workers in Knowledge Production and Transfer Occupations, with Adriana Grigorescu, Ana-Maria Zamfir, Hallur Thor Sigurdarson. September 2022, Electronics. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11182927
Predictors and outcomes of individual knowledge on earlystage pandemic: Social media, information credibiity, public opinion, and behaviour in a large-scale global study. with Y. Chawla, A. Radziwon, L. Scaringella, M. Greco, P. Silveira, E. Pestana de Aguiar, Q.Y Shen, M. Will, A. Kowalska-Pyzalska. Information Processing and Management. Volume 58, Issue 6, November 2021.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2021.102720
Effekten av kriget i Ukraina på europeisk energisäkerhet. with Chloé Le Coq. Ekonomisk Debatt 4/2023.
Power coming from Russia and Baltic Sea Region's energy security. with Ch. Le Coq. Energiforsk REPORT 2023:940.
Can the Baltic States Do Without Russian Electricity?, with Ch. Le Coq. FREE Policy Brief. November 2022.
The Weaponization of Electricity: The Case of Electricity Trade between Russia and European Union. with Ch. Le Coq. 2022. IAEE Energy Forum. Fourth Quarter.
Electric vehicles roll-out in Europe: Towards an improved regulatory regime, CERRE report, with F.M. Baldursson, and N. von der Fehr, 2019.
Information Disclosure Rules and Auction Mechanism: How Much Information on Electricity Auctions? with Ch. Le Coq, 2019, IAEE Energy Forum, Third Quarter.
Transition to a Capacity Auction: a Case Study of Ireland, with L. Ryan, 2019,IAEE Energy Forum, Third Quarter.
Cross-border Exchange and Sharing of Generation Reserve Capacity, with F.M. Baldursson, M. Ovaere and S. Proost, 2016. IAEE Energy Forum. July.
Lazarczyk, Ewa and Pickford, K. and Nyga-Lukaszewska, H., Green hydrogen and an evolving concept of energy security: challenges and comparisons (May 13, 2022). USAEE Working Paper No. 22-554, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4109303
Private and public information on the Nordic intra-day electricity market. IFN.
The competitive effect of EU transparency reforms: Evidence from Nord Pool with Chloé Le Coq
Integrating European Electricity Markets – what impact for consumers and producers? with Lisa Ryan